在德国站下的订单,结果给我回的邮件如下Unfortunately the card used for this order was declined by the card issuer (this can be for many reasons such as details held at the bank not matching the details given or the card has expired or an error on the details you have provided to us) and we are therefore unable to process your order.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this process if you still wish to order the item(s) please resubmit your order by clicking here or alternatively you can phone us on 0871 423 20 20 with details of an another method of payment. 用GOOGLE翻译过来的意思:不幸的是,你的卡这种付款被拒绝的信用卡发行者(这可以是一个数字的原因,例如,目前的信用卡公司的数据并没有同意与符合输入的数据,其有效性已过期,当进入的数据的错误),因此,我们可以不幸的是您的订单处理。 求解是怎么回事?卡的原因?
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